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US Swine Health Improvement Plan
A proven platform for safeguarding, certifying, and bettering animal health.

Biosecurity, Traceability, & Disease Surveillance
The time for such a national strategy is now!
A USDA Veterinary Services sponsored initiative with support from state and industry partners.
US SHIP is being modelled after the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), a collaborative effort involving industry, state, and federal partners providing standards for certifying the health status of greater than 99% of commercial scale poultry and egg operations across the US.
US SHIP aims to establish a similar platform for safeguarding, improving, and representing the health status of swine across participating farm sites, supply chains, states, and regions. Such a working system is needed to support the current and future health assurance needs of the 21st century US pork industry.
The initial and principal objectives are to develop and implement an African Swine Fever (ASF)-Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Monitored Certification of US pork production operations (farm sites and slaughter facilities) modelled after the NPIP’s H5/H7 Avian Influenza Monitored certification of US Commercial Poultry operations.
The US SHIP ASF-CSF Monitored certification aims to mitigate risks of disease introduction and provide a practical means for demonstrating evidence of freedom of disease (outside of foreign animal disease control areas) in support of ongoing interstate commerce and a pathway towards the resumption of international trade over the course of a trade impacting disease response and recovery period.
In short, US SHIP will establish a national playbook of technical standards and associated certification recognized across participating states that centers on disease prevention and demonstration of freedom of disease outside of control areas in support of animal health, commerce, and trade.
US SHIP is designed to be applicable across the full-spectrum of US pork industry participants from the small show pig farmer to the large commercial producers and slaughter facilities.
Please contact the US SHIP Official State Agency within your respective state with questions and/or to enroll your pork production site(s) or slaughter facility(s) in US SHIP.