US SHIP Administration

  • The USDA funding received to date ($495,000, over 2-years) aims to provide support for the human resources, management systems, and outreach necessary to facilitate the initiation and central coordination of this pilot project.

Official State Agency

  • Each state electing to participate is responsible for funding the operations of the US SHIP Official State Agency within their respective state.
    • Note: Funding of the NPIP Official State Agency operations vary significantly among states, but commonly comes from multiple sources (e.g., NPIP participants, state departments of agriculture, state poultry and egg industry organizations, and USDA APHIS cooperative agreements).

US SHIP Participants (Producers and Packers)

  • Participants will be responsible for the costs associated with meeting or exceeding the requirements of certification.

Note: The National Pork Board recently (January 2022) approved funding nearly $600,000 of US SHIP related working group project-based work and outreach.  These working groups and applied research efforts align with the series of resolutions that were passed at the inaugural US SHIP House of Delegates and collectively aim to further inform US SHIP program standards (e.g., centering on biosecurity, traceability, & disease surveillance).