US SHIP Official State Agencies (US SHIP OSAs):
Patterned after NPIP, US SHIP is national in scope, but administered state by state. Each state participating in US SHIP is responsible for maintaining a US SHIP Official State Agency. US SHIP OSA’s are the entity responsible for administering US SHIP to meet the needs of the industry participants (production sites and slaughter facilities) located in their state. US SHIP OSA’s are responsible for enrolling, certifying, and maintaining the status of the US SHIP participants in their state. Participant inquiries and questions concerning getting started with US SHIP are best directed to the appropriate US SHIP OSA.
US SHIP Program Administration:
Program development of US SHIP is being spearheaded by a team of swine interest colleagues from Iowa State University, Kansas State University, South Dakota State University, University of Illinois, and University of Minnesota working in partnership with a number of State Animal Health Officials and USDA Veterinary Services Veterinary Staff, and with advisement from an industry centered Advisory Board.
US SHIP Administration

Senior Project Coordinator
Iowa State University

Public Health Veterinarian
Iowa State University

Veterinary Diagnostic and Epidemiologic Information Management
Iowa State University
US SHIP Pilot Project Investigators

Principal Investigator
Professor & Director
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine
Iowa State University

Distinguished Professor & Director
Center for Food Security & Public Health
Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics
Veterinary Microbiology & Preventative Medicine
Iowa State University

Clinical Professor & Swine Extension Veterinarian Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine
Iowa State University

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine
Iowa State University

Assistant Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University

Animal Disease Research & Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
South Dakota State University

Associated Professor, Director & Head
i-Learning Center
Integrated Food Animal Management Systems
Veterinary Clinical Medicine
University of Illinois

Professor & Director
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Veterinary Population Medicine
University of Minnesota

Veterinary Population Medicine
University of Minnesota