ASF-CSF Monitored Certification Program
The US Swine Health Improvement Plan (US SHIP) is modelled after the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), a collaborative effort involving industry, state, and federal officials providing standards for disease certification for commercial US poultry. US SHIP will establish a “national playbook” of standards for 1) biosecurity, 2) traceability, and 3) sampling and testing that will provide a uniform approach to disease prevention, response, and recovery by each of the participating states.
Initial efforts are focused on African Swine Fever (ASF) and Classical Swine Fever (CSF) certification standards; however, the program is intended to be broadly applicable to all pathogens such as PRRS and PED. US SHIP brings industry (producers, packers, veterinarians), state, and federal partners together to align on the technical standards for the industry. US SHIP is intended to be applicable for every sector of the pork industry from the small show pig farmer to the large commercial producers. US SHIP lays the foundation for regionalization for business continuity with export markets, codifying nationally recognized “good practices” for disease control and establishing transparent communication across key stakeholders of the US swine industry.